Job opportunities : Neurodegenerative disease modelling using scCRISPR screening

Three exciting job opportunities for two postdocs and one advanced research assistant to work on screening for genes involved in neurodegenerative disease using iPSC-derived cell types (neurons, astrocytes and microglia). This will use cutting edge CRISPR screening with a single cell RNAseq readout coupled with phenotypic assays to identify and characterise known and putative Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and ALS genes. Read more

Ageing Well | Lynne Cox

Professor Lynne Cox comments on the Queen’s diet, health and well-being in older age in The Irish Sun. Read more

£1m donation to support Longevity Science

A new gift of £1 million will support and advance the study of Longevity Science at Oxford and establish the Mellon Longevity Science Programme at Oriel to help the most vulnerable in society by advancing research into health resilience in ageing populations. Read more

Very old hailed as super-survivors | The Times

People who live beyond 100 are part of a special group whose biological make-up means that they are more likely to survive coronavirus. Sarah Harper comments that with people who live to a very old age and make it over 105 years there is some indication that they are genetically or biologically different.

► Read the full article in The Times, 17 April 2020 : The special ones: very old hailed as super-survivors

Is weight a more significant factor than age in the next stage of lockdown?

Should we be considering factors such as BMI when it comes to shielding a specific population?  Professor Sarah Harper comments in an article published in The Telegraph. Read more

PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT | Trinity 2020 Seminar Series

Understanding the Biology of Ageing Read more

The Health of the Nation | Achieving HLE+5

Lynne Cox, who is a member of the ARCH steering committee, has been acting as scientific advisor to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity since its foundation in May 2019, and has now authored a key paper in the APPG major report ‘The Health of the Nation – a Strategy for Healthier Longer Lives‘: […]

ISCF Healthy Ageing Social, Behavioural & Design Research Programme – Funding Opportunity


UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will be inviting applications to the ISCF Healthy Ageing Social Behavioural and Design Research Programme from May 2020. £9.5m (100% fEC) will be available to support worldleading research that makes a significant contribution to the lives of people as they age. Read more

Healthy Ageing

Department of Zoology to launch new initiative in Life and Mind around healthy ageing.

For further details please contact


The New Old exhibition | Pratt Manhattan Gallery in New York

The New Old: Designing for Our Future Selves exhibition with demographic exhibits from the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing along side the design work of the Royal College of Art, is now open at Pratt Manhattan Gallery in New York.  This follows its successful tour in Asia. Read more